Thursday, February 24, 2011

Broken Glasses

This has been an odd day.  I woke up this morning tired and stressed due to recent events, but amazingly, the crashing of ALL my special purpose glasses first thing this morning seems to have had an inadvertent effect on my mood.  What I mean is that at 7 a.m., the top shelf of my dish cabinet in the kitchen gave way and every glass on it, plus a few below, came crashing to the floor and broke.  I seriously got up, and walked to the bathroom to pee before coming back to size up the damage.  Everything was broken except the one glass I would throw away at the first opportunity.  All my big margarita glasses, my crystal cordials, Andy's pub glasses...all of them.  I just kind of left it for a bit.  Andy swept some of it up into a pile, I did the rest after the kids were ready for school.
It really made me mad, but then it turned into the funny, "yeah, well this morning...." story and everyone got a kick out of it; making it not nearly so bad.  I think it woke me up a little.  Life isn't so bad as it seems lately.  There is a lot of crap going on now that has been really bothering me, but take a step could be a hell of a lot worse.
Finals went smoothly today...I think.  At least they weren't as painful as I had anticipated.  Maybe because the glasses had broke and lightened my mood, who knows. Whatever it was....Thank You God, I needed broken glasses today.
My girls had a Girl Scout Sock Hop today.  It was a blast.  I have such an amazing group of mom's by my side.  They really do make life so much easier.  I wouldn't give up a single one.  Each one has become my friend and has given me something I couldn't have gotten from another person...their daughter.  I can't thank them enough for sharing with me. My Girls are Amazing.  They danced the afternoon away, lip singing to Justin Beaber (sp?).  I love them all.  The Cadet troop did an incredible job organizing the dance.  I was extremely impressed that they danced IN FRONT of the younger girls showing them the moves to all the songs that had them. 
What a fun night, after such an ODD day.

The Lone Survivor.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


    You are the light that shines through my window in the cool mornings.
    The dew drops on my toes as I walk through the morning grass and the embrace of the warm spring breeze blowing around my body.
    You are the stars I wish upon at night.

  • The pink sliver of a moon that i gaze upon in awe.

    You are the breath in my chest that catches when my eyes fall upon your sweet face.

    The pounding of my chest when I hear your voice. 

    You are the glistening ripple on the water that follows the tips of my fingers as I caress the smooth surface.

    The tear that falls so slow from my eye when I miss you.

    You are the music in my ears that flows from the breeze. 

    The sound of my beating heart is the confirmation I live to be with you.

    You are the breath of life to my soul and the whole of my existence.

The Eternal Gift

Somehow you found me,
In the last place expected
And somewhere after “Hello”
I found “Forever” in you
.. ..
All my dreams have come true,
Because all my dreams were you
And my heart now overflows
With happiness and love.
.. ..
Utter perfection has become my life,
And my dreams are my reality
My every breath is consumed with
My love for you.
.. ..
You consume my heart with
How you make me feel
And the wondrous emotions
You arouse within me
.. ..
If I died this instant,
My life will have been full
Because nothing could possibly
Take away what I have with you.
.. ..
You are my life
And what I live for
You dominate my heart
And possess it’s every beat
Our souls are permanently united
For an eternity to come.
.. ..
I am forever yours,
Always for eternity
My love will never fade
Only grow stronger
And richer with time.
.. ..
For now....
 Know that nothing
In the infinite space of God’s creation
Could ever separate
Our united souls
Or my physical being from yours.
.. ..
What we have is pure and real.
A superior gift from above.
A seed planted and nurtured
Until our souls awakened
Prepared to release our hearts to its essence.
.. ..
The perfume of love has been
Absorbed through our senses
Meant to pull our mortal and eternal beings
Together into an everlasting union.
.. ..
I am completely yours my dear Andy.
You have quickly become my everything
And I could not sustain life without you.
.. ..
I’ll continue on, with you in and beside me
Through all that life has in store for us.
The delightfully lovely times
And the dreadfully wicked times.
I’ll remain by your side.

Written By Annie
April 14, 2009


Today is one of those days where you just don't know what to do with yourself or about the world.  I feel like I have no control over anything at the moment and I do not like it.  I try hard to do what is right and to be right and good but I feel like that is not enough.  The world wants more today than I have to give.