Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Friend

My Friend

The government is your friend,
Through thick and thin,
Letting all blame lie with Fargo, Stearns, and Lynch.
Don’t forget to thank Dodd and Frank  
When you’re in a pinch.

There’s no need to fear My Friend,
As he’s only doing what’s best.
For you, for me, and all who can’t rest,
Always demanding to contend.

Give him all the muscle,
And leave the blame on them.
Don’t worry, he’ll protect you,
Just don’t ask when.

He really doesn’t want your money,
Only his preemptive right.
So his drones can benefit our enemies
While our men die in his fight.

He’s in a league of his own.
Commanding full attention.
Forcing all to see
His hands outreached where they shouldn’t be.

Terrorists share your rights,
But only,
If on flights.

Go ahead,
Grope my personal space
It’s okay
As long as we both go home
As part of the human race.

They blew up my liberty,
They blew up my rights,
They blew up my hopes and dreams
With two big jets and an underwear bomb
It was their only means.

My government, my people,
What battles can we fight?
There’s one for life, one for liberty,
And one to get the words, just write.

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