Friday, December 9, 2011

Free Bird

Incessantly I try, like the sun does to shine
To show you the way in the midst of the day.
Like a bird you want to fly
Away from my nest.
Not ready to toss you out
Although it may be best.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lies My Parents Told Me

Lies My Parents Told Me

Shadows don’t make grown men cry
Widows don’t like light.
Your face will get stuck that way
But nobody will stare tonight.

It hurts me more than you
That toad will give you warts
Watermelons will grow in your tummy
There are no snakes in your fort.

A white stork left you on our porch
Wal-Mart carries your replacement parts
Money cannot buy happiness
But luck could make you smart.

If you pick your nose you’ll damage your brain
A bird is going to poop on your lip.

My Friend

My Friend

The government is your friend,
Through thick and thin,
Letting all blame lie with Fargo, Stearns, and Lynch.
Don’t forget to thank Dodd and Frank  
When you’re in a pinch.

There’s no need to fear My Friend,
As he’s only doing what’s best.
For you, for me, and all who can’t rest,
Always demanding to contend.

Give him all the muscle,
And leave the blame on them.
Don’t worry, he’ll protect you,
Just don’t ask when.

He really doesn’t want your money,
Only his preemptive right.
So his drones can benefit our enemies
While our men die in his fight.

He’s in a league of his own.
Commanding full attention.
Forcing all to see
His hands outreached where they shouldn’t be.

Terrorists share your rights,
But only,
If on flights.

Go ahead,
Grope my personal space
It’s okay
As long as we both go home
As part of the human race.

They blew up my liberty,
They blew up my rights,
They blew up my hopes and dreams
With two big jets and an underwear bomb
It was their only means.

My government, my people,
What battles can we fight?
There’s one for life, one for liberty,
And one to get the words, just write.

Monday, October 24, 2011



[in-teg-ri-tee] noun (as taken from

adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

I am furious today.  As a college student, it is of utmost importance that all work be completed with integrity and honesty.  I found out today, that in my attempt to help some fellow classmates, one of them stole my work and turned it in as their own.  I am now being reviewed by the Academic Integrity Committee because our projects had portions that were identical.  This is so wrong.  I am beyond angry.  I have worked hard for years to get to where I am and to have an impeccable academic record.  I cannot believe that some idiot would put theirs on the line just for one project.  GET A CLUE PEOPLE!  This is theft, and is beyond intolerable!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Very Simple Rules

We needed a small number of very simple rules, each with a clear consequence for breaking it but with a provision for repentance by which apologetic children could avoid the consequence or penalty.  

Or you sit on the "repenting bench" with the other "fighter" until you can say what you did wrong and give the other kid a hug and ask him to forgive you.  - "it takes two to tangle"-

Or we'll start over until you get it right and give a respectful answer.  If I ask you to do something and you whine about it or give an excuse, I'll start over and try to ask you very politely but very directly, until I get a respectful answer

Get your room straight or face the penalty that you cannot go anywhere until you clean it up.

If you want something you know you should ask for, ask.  If you don’t, the next time you want it, the answer will be NO.  We want to always know where you are, so if you forget to ask, the next time you want to go somewhere the answer will be no.  The same penalty applies to curfew.

You can ask why and I will try to tell you, and possibly even reconsider, but only ask why once and then obey.  Remember, someday you will be the parent.

Some of my creations

Birthday present for my fiance.  18x24 inches
My daughter and I painted this for her friend to welcome her back home to Michigan.
A vanity I refurbished for my daughter.  She loves it!

The Chandelier I created for my kitchen.

The Chandelier I created for my dining area.

The Chandelier I refurbished for my daughter's room.  I strung almost 1000 beads for this one, but it is beautiful.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Little Girl

“Little Girl”
Incendio Dea

Words can hurt, they make us cry,
Sometimes words create a lie.
Words can make us feel so blue,
And sometimes words can stick like glue.

Words may turn us inside out,
Or even fill us full of doubt.
And words can turn a sad, sad frown,
Into a smile worn by a clown.

A thousand words can paint a picture,
Vivid, bright and so just right.
Words can make the sun shine too,
Just as they turn a grey sky blue.

Words can make our heart warm with flutters,
And even flow like rain through the gutters.
Sometimes words we share so rare,
A feeling that may show we care.

Words can be the strongest tool,
Even to a little girl.
Our words can do most anything,
But most important,
They let us sing.

Our words tell people who we are,
Even when they’re on a star.
So watch your words and hold them dear,
You never know who just might hear.

Words can be such a powerful thing,
You never know what feeling they’ll bring.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just the beginning.

Today marks the last day of my first year as a Girl Scout Leader. It has been an adventurous year; challenging, fun, and very busy. I loved every minute of it. My girls are such a blessing to me. Each of them, with their unique quirks and personalitites, has taught me something in one way or another.
Summer break starts soon, and changes are brewing for the Browne home.  Hopefully all for the good of my family. We will see soon.
I have found the sweetest solice in friendship this year.  Something I have never had before.  Everything is in its place, or will be soon. How blessed I feel.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Broken Glasses

This has been an odd day.  I woke up this morning tired and stressed due to recent events, but amazingly, the crashing of ALL my special purpose glasses first thing this morning seems to have had an inadvertent effect on my mood.  What I mean is that at 7 a.m., the top shelf of my dish cabinet in the kitchen gave way and every glass on it, plus a few below, came crashing to the floor and broke.  I seriously got up, and walked to the bathroom to pee before coming back to size up the damage.  Everything was broken except the one glass I would throw away at the first opportunity.  All my big margarita glasses, my crystal cordials, Andy's pub glasses...all of them.  I just kind of left it for a bit.  Andy swept some of it up into a pile, I did the rest after the kids were ready for school.
It really made me mad, but then it turned into the funny, "yeah, well this morning...." story and everyone got a kick out of it; making it not nearly so bad.  I think it woke me up a little.  Life isn't so bad as it seems lately.  There is a lot of crap going on now that has been really bothering me, but take a step could be a hell of a lot worse.
Finals went smoothly today...I think.  At least they weren't as painful as I had anticipated.  Maybe because the glasses had broke and lightened my mood, who knows. Whatever it was....Thank You God, I needed broken glasses today.
My girls had a Girl Scout Sock Hop today.  It was a blast.  I have such an amazing group of mom's by my side.  They really do make life so much easier.  I wouldn't give up a single one.  Each one has become my friend and has given me something I couldn't have gotten from another person...their daughter.  I can't thank them enough for sharing with me. My Girls are Amazing.  They danced the afternoon away, lip singing to Justin Beaber (sp?).  I love them all.  The Cadet troop did an incredible job organizing the dance.  I was extremely impressed that they danced IN FRONT of the younger girls showing them the moves to all the songs that had them. 
What a fun night, after such an ODD day.

The Lone Survivor.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


    You are the light that shines through my window in the cool mornings.
    The dew drops on my toes as I walk through the morning grass and the embrace of the warm spring breeze blowing around my body.
    You are the stars I wish upon at night.

  • The pink sliver of a moon that i gaze upon in awe.

    You are the breath in my chest that catches when my eyes fall upon your sweet face.

    The pounding of my chest when I hear your voice. 

    You are the glistening ripple on the water that follows the tips of my fingers as I caress the smooth surface.

    The tear that falls so slow from my eye when I miss you.

    You are the music in my ears that flows from the breeze. 

    The sound of my beating heart is the confirmation I live to be with you.

    You are the breath of life to my soul and the whole of my existence.

The Eternal Gift

Somehow you found me,
In the last place expected
And somewhere after “Hello”
I found “Forever” in you
.. ..
All my dreams have come true,
Because all my dreams were you
And my heart now overflows
With happiness and love.
.. ..
Utter perfection has become my life,
And my dreams are my reality
My every breath is consumed with
My love for you.
.. ..
You consume my heart with
How you make me feel
And the wondrous emotions
You arouse within me
.. ..
If I died this instant,
My life will have been full
Because nothing could possibly
Take away what I have with you.
.. ..
You are my life
And what I live for
You dominate my heart
And possess it’s every beat
Our souls are permanently united
For an eternity to come.
.. ..
I am forever yours,
Always for eternity
My love will never fade
Only grow stronger
And richer with time.
.. ..
For now....
 Know that nothing
In the infinite space of God’s creation
Could ever separate
Our united souls
Or my physical being from yours.
.. ..
What we have is pure and real.
A superior gift from above.
A seed planted and nurtured
Until our souls awakened
Prepared to release our hearts to its essence.
.. ..
The perfume of love has been
Absorbed through our senses
Meant to pull our mortal and eternal beings
Together into an everlasting union.
.. ..
I am completely yours my dear Andy.
You have quickly become my everything
And I could not sustain life without you.
.. ..
I’ll continue on, with you in and beside me
Through all that life has in store for us.
The delightfully lovely times
And the dreadfully wicked times.
I’ll remain by your side.

Written By Annie
April 14, 2009